Saturday, December 6, 2008


Holy cow it's been a long time.
Heeeyyy yaaalll!
I've been sick with a cold and running around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to make things happen.
Science reports....
Recital pieces....
Accompanying choirs....
English papers....
History tests.....
Christmas musicals....
And then the drama at home is always there to greet me.
Gotta love that drama.
So I haven't gotten enough time to actually blog on my blog. Which is, for the most part, how the brain of Becksta usually works. I'll be working along, whistling a merry tune, and then remember to do something. Well, I can't just abandon what I've been doing in order to accomplish the task I just recently remembered, oh NOO. I must keep working until I'm done, then move onto the next task that has NOTHING to do with the one I just remembered I had to do.
And then what happens?
I'm in deep water because I didn't do what I just remembered to do.
So yeah, I haven't gotten to this for a while. I'm sorry (for anyone out there who cares...)

So I was just accompanying a children's choir tonight, and I heard a little bit of good and a little bit of not-so-hot. But they're all little kids, so it was great that they got up there and preformed in front of an audience. I can't stress enough how important preforming is to me, and how much I believe it benefits a person in the long run. Even if you don't plan on being a professional, I strongly suggest picking up an instrument, writing up a poem, learning a tune, and just preforming in front of a crowd at a younger age. I say this because it is extremely nerve wracking.
Yes, that's right. It is INDEED very nerve wracking.
But if you accomplish this when you are younger, you will get accustomed to speaking in front of crowds and preforming at a very young age. This will set the stage, if you will, for a nullification of stage fright, and an enjoyment of public speaking.
This has been the case for me- I think I am a rare breed for actually LIKING speaking in front of crowds. I enjoy it, and because I've been preforming since I can remember, it doesn't bother me one bit to speak in front of large numbers of people.
Now that I've bored you to death,
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE, in case I don't post until then, which is extremely likely. I'm hosting each side of the family's Christmas at my house this year, plus our own and one for some family friends. That's four Christmases. YIKES!!

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